In order to relate the current status and potential of your company, the level of organizational agility is determined by agile-meter. Purpose in organizational agility measurement; is to give your company a new perspective by creating awareness. It is aimed to increase your performance criteria by ensuring the potential of your company.

Project Cycle

-Measuring your company's organizational agility perception.
-Determining the organizational agility perception revealed by your company's stakeholders (internal and external) and its environment with the analysis made from different perspectives.
-Providing feedback to your company about the development of your company's organizational agility perception through repeated measurements in the post-project period.
-Preparing a report created with the concrete findings obtained at the end of the project.
-Establishing your companys's organizational agility strategy plan with agile-meter. 

Project Details

Identity information is not requested.

Data Storage
The data obtained is stored abroad safely and is not shared with third parties.

The survey is consisting of questions created in accordance with scientific ethics.

The report is prepared objectively based on the obtained findings.