It is seen that agility, which is considered as one of the dynamic capabilities of the organization, is associated with the quality of the organization.
Agility strategy, which enables organizations to respond quickly to unpredictable change, requires quick intuition.
The openness to learning continuity of organizations that know change management ensures that they have experience in the direction of change and transformation.
Agility is among the important issues addressed for sustainable competition for companies. It is seen that agility, which is applicable when supported by strong processes, enables the improvement of the company culture.
In terms of companies, responding to unexpected changes in a timely manner, taking advantage of the opportunities seen as the advantages of change and change is explained with the concept of agility.
Firms that steer the future are defined by their agility in managing change and perceiving uncertainty.
One of the mobility skills of companies that are forced to change by their environmental dynamics is explained by "agility, being agile".
While management trends, codes and phases dominate the minds, trends become obsolete, phases pass, and we continue to evolve owing to the relationship of sticking to codes...
In the age of Industry 4.0, "I am" and "I died" mean the same ...The future belongs to those who do and learn, not to wait and see…
The uncertainty that brings unlimited opportunities with it shows companies what is needed.
Environmental dynamism is interpreted as a warning sign for companies that should be understood on the slippery ground, given the global competition conditions.
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